Friday, April 27, 2012

Death from the Skies!

Page Count: 79,757
Expected Completion Date: Mar. 18th, 2095
Book Page Count: 216

Title: Death From The Skies!
Author: Philip Plait

Had I read this book before going to undergrad I probably would have seriously considered physics as a major despite high school failures in the field. Professor Plait is an incredible writer that has the ability to bring what might be too complicated for 99% of us to a level that is available for the most of us to understand, appreciate and marvel at. 

The universe is truly incredible. I'm not the type who routinely gets the opportunity to be wowed by life, and this one did it for me. Recognizing what goes on daily in our vast and incredible universe is nothing short of miraculous. The most memorable part of this book was the idea that the compound which helps us clog blood (iron) originated in a supernova at some point in the distant pass. That every cell in our body was star dust, and before that it was hydrogen, all hydrogen. 

The pressure and heat, the randomness, the incredible vastness, all lead to a sense of aw. The ability for all of it to kill us, the pure fact that sooner or later IT WILL kill us (unless of course we do the job before the Universe gets a chance). The sun will eventually die, the solar system will vanish, the galaxy will fade away. It's all in the distant (distant distant distant) future. 

Purely put, amazing

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